Fire Door FAQ’s

*Fire Door inspections are required at least annually, as stated in the 7th Edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code Chapter The Standard is taken from NFPA 80, Chapter


1st Q – “Why do we need to have our fire doors inspected?”
A – Because it is part of the State & Local Fire Prevention Codes and a requirement of AHCA, CMS, and it’s the LAW!

2nd Q – “Isn’t checking Fire doors included in the Annual Fire Prevention Inspection by the Fire Department?”
A – It used to be before the Fire Prevention Code was changed, making Annual Inspections the responsibility of the building operators.

3rd Q – “That doesn’t seem fair. Aren’t fire inspections by our local Fire Dept (including doors)? Why do we pay our taxes and Assessments for Fire Protection? Why should the burden of fire door inspections and maintenance be on us?”
A – It has always been the obligation of the people responsible for the operation of the building to maintain the building’s fire, smoke & egress doors in code compliant working order.

4th Q – “Why was it changed to call for mandatory Annual Fire Door Inspection?”
A – The importance of code-compliant Fire, Smoke, and Egress doors to protect the public has become apparent. There also was the fact that Building Operators were not doing timely inspections and maintaining their “life-safety” doors: Lack of motivation has become a significant problem, and noncompliance has become widespread.

5th Q- “Why has inspecting “life-safety” doors become a problem for fire departments?“
A – Fire Prevention Inspections by local Fire Departments during an annual visit must cover so many different fire protection elements in a limited time and with little personnel. The number of Fire-doors, alone, in many buildings, can run from just a few to hundreds. In some extensive facilities, thousands are common, making Fire Dept inspecting every door virtually impossible.

6th – “What does AHJ stand for?”
A – AHJ stands for the Authority Having Jurisdiction… it can be a local or State Fire marshal or Code Enforcement official, ACHA, CMS, or TJC (if you’re a health care facility), or an Insurance Company representative, etc. Anyone who has the right to enforce the fire code on your facility.

7th Q – “We have never been issued a citation or notified by the fire department or anyone else, officially that we are in violation of the Fire Code because we could not produce written proof that each of our doors had been Tested & Inspected. No AHJ, has ever, asked to see our Fire Door inspection Report. How Come?”
A – Maybe because your building has been overlooked or just lucky. Official notices have been sent out by many departments to Property Managers (and have been ignored), and other Depts. are getting ready to send out notifications. But remember, there is an old adage “that ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

8th Q – “Why are they making such a big deal over the fire doors? Ours have been here for over 30 years with no problems. Why now?”
A –Because doors are used, normal wear and tear can turn a fully compliant door into a potential problem. In the life of the building, it only takes one time, one fire door, to fail to do its job. You need ALL your Fire, Smoke, and Egress Doors to work, and if even one doesn’t perform its function… people may die or get injured, or property is unnecessarily damaged because the fire, smoke or egress doors failed to do their job and didn’t confine the fire or smoke, and toxic gases from spreading. A minor fire that a properly operating fire door could easily contain could turn into a significant inferno- it’s better to be “safe than sorry.”

9th Q – “Have Annual Inspections proven their value?”
A – The Short answer is YES. Investigations of Building Fires – especially over the years in High Rise structures, show that noncompliance with Fire Safety Doors was a major contributing factor (over 82%) in the loss of lives and property. In buildings with
fire-compliant doors, the damage was minimal. Pressure is starting to build to enforce the Fire Door Inspection code rigidly. Frankly, the public is beginning to realize that all Fire Smoke and Egress doors are critical in high-rise buildings (over five stories) with only limited fire exits on each floor and no access to elevators. Entrance Doors to rooms and apartments leading into closed-in corridors are essential for safely leaving the building in the event of an emergency or a fire where “sheltering-in-place” is the recommended option.

10th Q – “ What does it take to be an Inspector? Can we inspect our doors?”
A – Yes, remember that the AHJ and the Fire and Life Safety Codes require Inspectors to know about the construction of Fire, Smoke, and Egress doors. Inspectors must be familiar with fire-rated door hardware, Fire Code requirements, materials, installation, locking, and latching capabilities. In addition, inspectors must have experience and recognize non-compliant items attached to or adjacent to doors. They also must be capable of compiling the ITM (Inspection, Testing & Maintenance) report. Inspecting a fire door properly takes a lot of experience and knowledge- that’s why most buildings let professionals like National Firedoor handle the job.

11th Q – “When it says ALL fire doors, does that mean the Apartment entrance doors?”
A – Yes! Apartment entrance doors, at the minimum, should have at least a 20-minute Fire Rating, a Closer, and a solid “fire-rated” Latch.

12th Q – “Who is responsible for inspecting the building’s fire doors?”
A – Owners, property managers, Association board members, etc. Anyone, If they are responsible for operating or managing a hi-rise building.

13th Q – “How much does the inspection cost?”
A – Obviously, many factors go into the total cost. To determine the exact amount, we need to sit down with you and discuss your service needs, wants, and desires. We need to survey your property- unless you have a complete “current” door schedule including each Fire, Smoke, and Egress door’s exact location in your facility, and then we will give you a free proposal on how to get your inspections underway.

14th Q – “What can the AHJs do to us?”
A –First, give you a time limit to comply, levy fines, bring charges in court, and in some severe cases, order Suspension of Operations. The worst-case scenario would be a fire with or without the loss of life but with extensive property damage because uninspected fire doors failed. Insurance Companies can raise premiums, deny claims, or refuse coverage. It could be costly if the State, City, or Civil lawyers charge or sue the responsible parties for neglect because they didn’t follow the fire code requiring the doors to be inspected and returned to Code-compliant condition. And lawyers always look for someone to blame. And if there is NO ITM book, it sets the stage for the Lawyers.

15th Q – “What is a full-Service Inspection package?”
A – A ITM report and individual Door inspection forms.
• Prepare the inspection results for inclusion in the final ITM report.
• If desired, supervise any repairs and replacements resulting from the inspections to bring each door up to full compliance.
• If some doors have unreadable “painted over” manufacturer’s labels. If the doors have been inspected and are considered compliant, they can be field relabeled.
• Deliver the ITM report to the client in printed or data format.